Lens Artists Challenge #236: East Meets West

This week, we will explore “East meets West or North meets South”. I’ve chosen photos of creatures, gardens, architecture, and culture to express how East meets West in various places.

East meets West: Creatures

According to National Parks, there are about 3,200 elk scattered throughout the Rocky Mountain National park in Colorado during the summer and fall.

Further to the west from Colorado, you can see Bison in Yellowstone. The Yellowstone Park bison herd was the last free-ranging bison herd in the United States, the only place where bison were not destroyed.

East meets West in Texas

A little further to the west from San Antonio/Austin, you get to see longhorns. If you want to see bird migration, go to the Gulf Coast which is in the East of Texas.

East meets West: Gardens

One of the interesting elements of Chinese and Japanese gardens is using doors or trees to frame a small part of the next beautiful garden before you walk into a grand scene. Johann Kraftner explains,”After a walking tour, not a visitor will know which route he/she took and where she/he was.” He adds, the intention was “without inducing boredom for even a moment”.

We saw a beautiful Chinese Garden Moon Door in Portland. And, while in Alhambra, they trim trees carefully to frame a garden scene for the same purpose.

East meets West: Architecture 

Here you see beautiful details and colors of the roof, ceiling, walls, and doors of the temple in Tokyo:

Three thousand miles west from Tokyo, you see the same beautiful details of glorious temples in Bangkok, Thailand.

East meets West: Shrine

A Japanese Shrine is on the left and the Virgin Mary Spain Premium, Spain is on the right below. Do you see similarities here?:

East meets West: Terracotta and Pyramid

Terracotta Army in China was built in the third century BCE (L), the oldest known pyramid in Egypt at around 2630 B.C (R). In ancient times, whether it was in China or Egypt, emperors wanted to bring as much as they could to their tombs.

East meets West: Food

“Food may not be the answer to world peace, but it’s a start.”  –Anthony Bourdain

Here in Texas, you can enjoy an authentic Italian Risotto dish (L), while one of the best steaks we’ve ever had had was in Tokyo (R).

Last but not least, East meets West: Smiles

When you’re smilin’, when you’re smilin’The whole world smiles with you

Once we understand some of these differences, we may be able to appreciate their beauty a little better and also to see similarities as well. Let East meet West, North meet South. 🙂

We’d love to see your interpretations through your images and stories of culture, architecture, plants, landscape, and more in places you have visited and/or where you live. We hope you will join us. Please link your post here and use the Lens-Artists tag to help us find you.

Many thanks to Patti for her Shadows and Reflections in Monochrome challenge last week. Yes, the mono does show the contrasts and the beauty at the same time. This is another wonderful photography technique that we have learned together.

Next week, Bren will be our guest host. Her topic is Lowering That Clarity To Bring Softness.  Be sure to visit her site.