Journaling Through My Lens (May, week 4)

We have had good rain in April and part of May, mostly light rain. I was delighted to spot and be able to capture these mushrooms in photo.

And, the light rain definitely brings beautiful and fresh colors to the garden:

Mama duck brings her ducklings to the pond, they are happily fishing, 8 ducklings there. They are growing fast:

We had a fun gathering after coming back from our trip to Taiwan, M brought me this beautiful bunch of wildflowers. πŸ™‚ While traveling, I did miss the wildflower season of Texas!

Hope you’ve had a wonderful week, too! πŸ™‚

40 thoughts on “Journaling Through My Lens (May, week 4)

    • Thank you, Anne! I was surprised by the mushroom image. πŸ™‚ BTW, I’ve been having trouble to get to your site by clicking your gravatar.


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