Journaling Through My Lens (March week 2)

After a long flight, we arrived at the Taoyuan International Airport, Taiwan on time. It took a few minutes to go through the passport control. We then walked up to the Mass Rapid Transit station.

The MRT departs the airport every 15 minutes, $5 for one way. In just 35 minutes, we were in Taipei. Taipei MRT station:

As expected, we are dealing with jet lag. The first night, we decided to walk to a 24/7 store near by our hotel. It was 3 am, the street was pretty quiet, but we felt safe. The next day I was out alone to the store at around 4:30 am.These 24/7 stores also offer boiled eggs, hot steaming buns, coffee/tea, etc. A night scene: So far, my impression about Taipei is convenient, clean, friendly, and safe.

While walking at dawn due to my jet lag this week, I noticed packages were dropped off outside of the store, a few hours before the store open. This may tell how safe it is here.

I posted The lantern festival a couple days ago through the WP app on my iPhone. Oddly, it didn’t show up on my blog site and published list. In case you’ve missed it, here are a few fun photos:

40 thoughts on “Journaling Through My Lens (March week 2)

  1. It’s so exciting to land somewhere new, isn’t it. I just love it, even when I’m jet-lagged. I remember our first night in Tokyo, we left the hotel about 21.00 hrs after just dumping our bags there. roamed around the near streets, agog at the lights, the signs, the people, and then staggered back to the hotel after midnight exhausted. What happened next? An earthquake which got us out of bed, under the desk, terrified, as the room shook and things flew all over the place. But we survived, and what an email I had to send home!

    Enjoy the future days in Taiwan and keep sending those marvellous photographs.


    • Oh, no… That must be a terrifying travel experience, Mari! I love to share some of photos of Taiwan with you know you had been there before. 🙂


  2. Jet lag is a pain, isn’t it? The only significant downside to travelling imho. I find the only way to deal with it is to try to pretend it isn’t happening and adopt the ‘new’ time immediately! I love these lanterns, so bright and colourful 😀 I’ll follow this trip with interest, we’ve never been to Taiwan.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sarah! My husband adjusts the new time much better than I do… The lantern festival has been a competition among towns and cities. All ended right before March, except Taipei.

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    • I was amazed by its efficiency everywhere.. It may have to do “Taiwan is the world’s largest producer of semiconductors. As of 2023, Taiwan has a 46% share of the global semiconductor foundry capacity.”

      Liked by 1 person

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