LAPC #277: Empty Spaces

This week, Patti (P.A. Moed) leads the Empty Spaces theme, She reminds us, It highlights and defines the subject, creates a more dramatic scene, and can convey a mood to your viewers”.

Empty golf course in the morning at the Pebble Beach:

Empty space at the museum gets the viewers to focus on art collections, Seattle Art Museum:

The simplicity in a Zen garden uses empty space to creates visual harmony and peacefulness:

Soft light, lines, and shadows provides a different effect in an empty space, San Francisco:

Miho Museum is situated in a valley. It was designed by IM Pei. It is not so grand like many other museums, but he uses empty spaces to bring the nature and lights into the building.

Empty space can highlights and defines the subject. As you see, these two fall leaves are my subject:

Patti encourages us to add the empty space feature to your photo — “highlights and defines the subject, creates a more dramatic scene, and can convey a mood to your viewers”. Be sure to visit her beautiful post and join us. Make a link to Patti’s site and tag Lens-Artists. Many thanks to James for his Looking Up and theme last week. I’ve learned from James and all of you about utilizing this technique to make photos more interesting.

Next week, I will host LAPC #278. The theme is “Unique”. See you soon.

65 thoughts on “LAPC #277: Empty Spaces

  1. Pingback: Lens-ArtistPC-277-Empty-Spaces – WoollyMuses

  2. A great collection Amy. Here I like your black and white photos the best, but they are all excellent and fit very well with this week’s theme. Love the two fall leaves in the end!!
    Looking forward to interpreting your challenging theme “Unique”. There are quite a few that are just that, unique.


  3. Beautiful images, Amy. The lines, shadows and light along with the woman walking creates such interest. It prompts, so many questions in addition to being a pleasant photo to linger over. And there is not doubt I would love the Miho museum. Such a nice collection.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really like the leaves, especially the one on the left. Perhaps because they seem to highlight the upcoming winter and the bare branches of trees and bushes, a single leaf always gives a feeling of emptiness to me. I think that black and white can emphasize the empty feeling and I liked those as well. When I say that, I always feel I should say that I liked them all, which I did, but those stood out to me. 🙂 Well done as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, Janet! I was surprised by the leaf capture on the left. The one on the right was a quick clicked with my iPhone after I got off my car, I thought I could do a watercolor painting for this leaf. 🙂 I’m glad you like these BnW images.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Amy, what lovely and powerful examples you shared to illustrate empty spaces. The San Francisco Zen garden image was peaceful and relived the time I was there. Your parting shots with the leaves was sublime. Great post and photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: For LAPC #277: Empty Spaces | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

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