Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #121: Focus on the Subject

This week, Patti shares “some helpful techniques from the experts that can help us create images that lead our viewers to our subject.”

Leading lines & repeating patterns can guide our eyes to the main subject of our image. Here is an example:

The image below was taken in Tokyo When the light was on, it brought up interesting patterns on the ground, and it was fun to take photos and walk on it.

Using arches and doorways to frame the image make viewers want to go “into” a photo. The photo was taken in Kyoto. The doorway was framed by an elegant gate, it led visitors to the temple.

Colors, light, and contrasts can bring focus and attention to the subject point.

We naturally connect with eyes, thus eyes are an easy way to draw focus.

I used to visit this ranch during the weekend. Mr. B would approach me. He patiently let me take photos of him. I sure miss him.

Panning blur is a technique to freeze action on your subject, while letting the rest of the image blur. When you pan, you move your camera in synchronicity with your subject. I took many, many panning shots at the park. I might have only two or three images that captured the action. I haven’t tried this technique for a while.

Patti invites us to show an image that uses leading lines, patterns, color, contrast, selective focus, freezing the action, doorways or arches, or the eyes of humans or animals to draw our attention to the subject. Patti has excellent examples for us to learn how to focus the subject. In your post, include a link to Patti’s original post and use the Lens-Artists tag so that everyone can find your post in the WP Reader.

Many of you shared your preference for knowing our themes in advance versus enjoying a surprise. Beginning in November we’ll test advance sharing of our themes. In the final challenge of the month, we will post the theme for the first week of the new month. Looking ahead to next week, we’re thrilled to announce our next guest host.  The talented and creative Ana who hosts the blog Anvica’s Gallery is going to lead LAPC #122.

Special thanks to all of you  for your continued participation and support. We always look forward to visiting your creative and inspiring interpretation. Stay well, stay safe.