LAPC #265: Black and White or Monochrome

This week, Anne (Slow Shutter Speed) leads the Black and White or Monochrome. She shares not only how and why B&W and Mono, but also inspires us with her research on the differences with  her beautiful photos. I choose these photos that were converted to the black and white version through Lightroom.

This image of an old, old tree in B&W shows the shapes and more texture than the original colored one:

I accidently clicked these weeds under the trees and bushes with my iPhone. I’m pleased with the B&W version.

This one was captured at our local park. I was attracted by how the Egret looking up the sky on a tree branch. Do you see the other egret was dancing right below her?

This Egret was flying gracefully above the peaceful lake:

Many photgaphers emphasize the lights, contrasts, texture, and lines for B&W photography. The image below was captured on a foggy morning. Here you see the fog covering most of the sunlight and the contrast is minimum.

I choose two Texas farm land images for monochrome. Both were processed through Lightroom:

Anne encourages us to share our black and white or monochrome photos and tell how we process into B/W and mono. If you want to learn more, please click here. When you join us, remember to link to Anne’s post and use the Lens-Artists tag so we can find your wonderful images.

Thanks to Sofia’s Primary Colors. Inspiring, indeed!  I enjoyed colorful and creative images through your lens.

Next week, Donna (WIND KISSES) will host LAPC #266. Stay tuned. 🙂