LAPC #202: Minimalism/Maximalism

This week, Sofia leads the “Minimalism/Maximalism” theme — “It could also be simplicity/complexity or Sparce/full.”

Maximalism in photography means the photo has lots of elements competing with, and playing off of each other. It can be seen everywhere in Alhambra:

On the other hand, negative space, simplicity, lines/shapes, … are the elements for minimalism. Here you see the contrast between Maximalism and minimalism in architecture:

Minimalist photographers usually focus solely on one particular subject, rather than an abundance of color, patterns and information. Maximalism and minimalism in nature:

Smile, breathe and go slowly.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

The photo below was captured early in the early morning:

Sofia is right, Minimalism or Maximalism examples can be found everywhere. Here is a beautiful art painting of three women in the center, filled with different patterns, shapes, colors, and flowers around them, by Christiane Lyons.

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

-Lao Tzu, 500 BCE.

Sofia invites us to join and “think of which fits our narrative best, simplicity or “more is more”, minimalism or maximalism, or does it depend on your subject?” Click here to view her outstanding photos and learn about minimalism/ maximalism. Special thanks to Ann-Christine for her creative “Three of a Kid”. Thank you for your beautiful responses.

As always, use the Lens-Artists tag and link to this post so we can easily find you. Next week Anne at Slow Shutter Speed will host so make sure to visit her site.