Dutch Windmills

Windmills are an Old Holland tourist attraction, a quaint symbol of Dutch tradition. There are over 1000 windmills in Holland. Some are still being used for drainage,

The gentleman up there gave us a tour as soon as we got there. Windmill is the world’s first industrial revolution…, he started with the history of the Dutch Windmill.

The wind-powered factories worked on materials brought from Amsterdam, producing flour, cocoa powder, machine-sawn wood, paper, ground spices, oil from seeds, dyes and many other products.

Windmills used to be there everywhere, when they found themselves in competition with steam and later diesel and electricity, they gradually disappeared.1,200 of them remain today

For the next three photos, I added some texture and used the “oil painting” feature of the Photoshop to give the photo a little flavor of a painting.

Photos were taken with iPhone 8+.

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