For The Final Weekly Photo Challenge (1)

Last week, WPC announced that the final edition would be this Wednesday. It was a sad news for the WPC community.

For the very last theme All-Time Favorites, I randomly selected a few of my popular WPC photos of 2015. These were my viewers’ and my blog friends’ favorites.

WPC: Motion

WPC: Between (Aqueduct of Segovia, Spain)

These are just a few of many comments I received for the WPC Between:

LuAnne said, “You’ve captured gorgeous archways to the heavens. 🙂”

Kathryn,” The ingenuity never fails to amaze me with no mortar ! Beautiful photo Amy!”

Mackenzie, “They knew how to build drama with stones….so beautiful and yet functional….wish modern water services looked so pretty!”

This collection reminds me my first motion photo capture, my first time to learn about the Rule of Thirds, and the first time of capturing the bird actions with my “new” Canon camera, … Wonderful memories.

WPC has been a special place to share fun photos of travels and moments with our followers and blog friends, enabling us to make connections in the blogosphere. Thanks to the WPC team.

Thank you for visiting!