Thursday Travel: City of York (Part 2)



After lunch, we walked along the river bank for a while, away from the hustle and bustle of Yorks busy streets.



Made a couple turns, we were in the Museum Gardens.



What a lovely place to sit in the sunshine on the Sunday afternoon.


People enjoyed the surrounding with families and friends.


St. Mary Abbey ruins are worth to stroll through and appreciate what once stood high in this area:


The Abbey was first built in 1088. It is picturesque and nostalgic.


Hope you enjoyed the virtual tour. 🙂


I don’t normally have time to read stories in the early morning. So glad I did this morning, it gave a chance to share it with you through my scheduled post. It’s a moving story written by an eye surgeon, his story and his patients. At the end he says,

“…To know that I had touched so many lives, that I had  made such a difference. I don’t say I miss practising medicine that much, but it felt good to know my years as a surgeon had truly not been in vain.”

Do visit. you will be glad you did, “A Guest

Lal Singh was another moving story I have read again and again.

“So thank you Lal Singh, for the fruits and the ‘mithaai’ and the simple joy of watching you come in and tell me that I, as a doctor, was next to god.”

Yes, the eye surgeon did the poem for my humble photo last week.


Thank you for visiting!