Poems, Photos, and More…

MM sunlight

To distill that gold into that glass….
How softly would the hours pass.

Dr. Hb (hbhatnagar)

It was almost a year ago, when Dr. Hb saw the photo that I posted, he responded with this beautiful poem.


#8 Dance with love http://wp.me/pSlDL-cYn

In a flash, we met

Our lives start to intertwine

We dance into love

~ Written by Nato (Michelle) Chasing Life and Finding Dreams

Nato gave me the privilege of  using her beautiful poem. In March, I made the “Dance Into Love” post with this dancing Egrets photo.



It was a bright noon day

The ocean smoothed to blue

Reflecting azure hue

The sky mirrored the bay

And on the sparkling shore

I stood and said no more.

~ Dr. Hb (hbhatnagar)

In June, I made a post using the “I stood and said no more” poem written by Dr. Hb.

This Beautiful poem makes an ordinary photo meaningful.


I had a hard time to remove a line of this concrete wall showing on the photo I took, so I posted it as it was. Helen (HHC Blog) made an effort to copy the photo and erase the line and emailed back to me. She then said, “I enjoy seeing other people’s photos like I enjoy seeing good paintings in museum….”.

You rescued one of my favorite photos. Thank you so much, Helen.



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It always is fun to share your own photos and stories, but it’s inspiring and invigorating when you can interact and interconnect with talented photographers, poets, and blog friends. Thanks to, Helen, Dr. Hb, and Nato! 🙂

I will be taking a break, will visit you whenever I can. Hope to bring back a new set of travel photos in September. 🙂


Related Post:

Days of Our Lives by Dr. Hb

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