7-Day Nature Photo Challenge: Day 7

0W5A0574-Edit-Nature day 7

This photo was taken at the Aransas Bay. I think it also fits the Half-Light theme of WPC.

As I am wrapping up my 7-day nature photo challenge, I’m ready to pass the torch to Dr. Hb.

Dr. Hb (hbhatnagar) is an optometrist in India (Fyi, he reminds us that he doesn’t answer questions about dog’s eyes, so I won’t try 🙂 ). He now is working in the high-tech industry. This is how he describes his blog:

“…So this blog has taken shape, being at different points in time my showcase, my comedy club, my art gallery, my book club, my therapist, my close friend, my innermost dark self….but always my little corner of the world.” hbhatnagar

His Thursday “Two Phrase Story” is unique, clever, and creative. “I provides one phrase every Thursday, an incomplete string of words, and it is up to you to complete it in your own.” Take a look of how people around the world have responded to the phrase story. Fun! 🙂

Happy Tuesday!