CCY Rule of Thirds: Sun Rising

Cee’s compose yourself challenge: The Rule of Thirds

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Why Rules of Third? Cee explains, “For some reason an off-center picture is more pleasing to us. It looks more natural. We know from the Brain Game tv show that if we stare at something right in the middle of the screen, our peripheral vision diminishes to the point where it’s not working much at all.” Visit Cee’s Rule of Thirds post to view her beautiful photos and learn more about compositions.


Since my PC is out for repairing, it has been challenging to locate my photo files from my new laptop. Thus, I ‘m submitting only one photo to CCY Week #9 instead of four. Hope it’s okay.

Additional information: The Rule of Thirds wasn’t developed by photographers. In fact, it was the creation of painters in the Renaissance period. Their aim of this style of composition was to provide a bit of background in their paintings to allow it to tell a story. It was the Renaissance painters who found that the eye doesn’t rest on the center of a painting. Instead, the eye wants to roam with the subject. Read more …


Here is “Two Phase Story” theme by Dr. Hb (hbhatnagar):

I provide the first phrase and you complete the sentence, in your own way and we see in how many different directions one thought can be taken…..

“The candle sputtered and died……”

Your turn…


 Thank you for visiting. Happy Thursday! 🙂