Monday Walk: Walk on a Timeline

It would be an incomplete walking series without including a few photos of these majestic rocks in the Grand Canyon.


Layer upon layer of rock slashed by earth movement, carved by wind and water into mesas and buttes and alcoves and terraces.


“We estimate that the rocks themselves are older, about 2,000 million years old, nearly half the age of our planet.”  ~ L. Greer Price

In spite of their complex history, these rocks remain largely in sequence and relatively undisturbed.


Nowhere is this more evident than at Grand Canyon, where the measured thickness of rock in a single canyon wall may be 6,000 vertical feet.




The scene continually changes as light plays off the rocks and clouds, creating shadows and contrasts.


Quick Facts

  • The canyon is 277 miles (446 km) long

  • The width ranges from 4 to 18 miles (6.4 to 29 km)

  • The depth is over one mile (1.83 km)

One long step = 1 Million Years. Only in Grand Canyon!


Jo is taking us to the CITY OF NORWICH. Enjoy the history and beautiful photos of the city! 🙂


Thank you for visiting! Have a great week 🙂