5 Photos 5 Stories: GPS (#2)

Prior to the GPS era, I depended on hubby’s photographic memory when we travel. Back then, he’d study the map the night before we toured the place and used the compass on the trip. As complicated as the streets in Rome, Paris, and Florence were, we never got lost. I took it for granted.

When GPS was first available, I bought one immediately. Now, it is installed in all the new cars and most rental cars. But, hubby still studies maps on the Google.  He makes it clear that he doesn’t trust GPS, though he always asks me to turn it on (the guy has a little problem of pressing the on buttons.). While driving, often he argues with or talks back to the GPS, like “I’m not going to…”, “You are wrong.”, “Not again!”… As annoy as this can be, I keep quiet and just play with my iPhone or shoot photos.


Road to the Grand Canyon

A week ago, we were traveling in Phoenix/Scottdale, hubby studied the online map as usual, “Do you have to?” He didn’t answer. The next day, when we were on the freeway, hubby noticed that all the exits to 202 were closed for whatever reason, but Ms. GSP kept telling him to make a U turn… hubby took an alternative route quickly. I was surprised that the GPS in his head was still pretty active.

Later that day, at the intersection, Ms. GPS said “turn left”. He turned right instead. “Did you not hear?” “The GPS is wrong.” he replied. I was like “Really?” A minute after he made the right turn, I saw the building. Yep, right turn!

When we were on the way to Page, where the Antelope Canyon is located, Ms. GPS didn’t recognize that the new road to the town was already completed, she guided us to a detour route. Oops, Ms. GPS missed this one. So the battle went on.



Page, AZ

Thank you to Raewyn who invited me to take part of the 5 photos 5 stories challenge. Please visit Raewyn’s Decocraftsdigicrafts to view her beautiful photos.

I’m nominating Birder’s Journey to join this fun challenge. No obligation, Bj. 🙂 You really don’t want to miss Bj’s Egret photos.