Monday Walk: The Final Race

While I was taking my Sunday walk, I saw Ms. E was standing there by herself, she really didn’t want to be bothered.


But, another 1/2 mile from here, it was a little intensified. All the youngsters were excited about the final. 


C Jr. couldn’t wait… 


The minute C Jr. saw the Duck Jr. was taking off, he geared up and determined to beat Duck Jr.

See how his eye popped out. 

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Duck Jr. was ahead…


A few seconds later, C Jr. was about to pass Duck Jr. But, Duck Jr. didn’t make it easy for C Jr, and continued to race..


He got it!! C Jr. was like, I won!! I told ya, didn’t I?!


The turtle was also watching the race, “Oh, how I wish I could fly…”


The young Cormorant asked, “Mom, do you think I can win the race next year?”

“Of course! Don’t forget, practice, practice, and practice.” 🙂


Here, people respect wildlife. We don’t stir up their routines or trick them with food for taking fun photos. This is the place where birds can enjoy the freedom.

Taking this trail to the lake:


This week Jo is taking us for a boat tour. Beautiful scenes and boats along the shore, I wish I could spend a day there. You don’t want to miss it. Click HERE… 


Have a great week. Thank you for visiting! 🙂