Its Golden Richness Speaks…

Where Is My Backpack Weekly Travel Theme: Autumn


… I like best of all autumn, because its tone is mellower, its colours are richer, and it is tinged with a little sorrow.

Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer,


but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age.

It knows the limitations of life and its content.

~ Lin Yutang, October 10, 1895 – March 26, 1976


I was inspired by the beautiful autumn post on the Unexpected In Comment Hours. The author of the post graciously let me borrow the poem.  Thank you so much! Take a look of her glorious post. Click HERE…  



Lin Yutang was a Chinese writer, translator, linguist, and inventor. His informal (I may say unconventional) but polished style in both Chinese and English made him one of the most influential writers of his generation, and his compilations and translations of classic Chinese texts into English were bestsellers in the West.  Read more...