1 Day 1 World Review

Thanks to Lisa’s wonderful idea and vision for the 1 Day 1 World Project!  It started in May at 11 am and ended October at 11 am. Lisa had been dedicated to the project. While we were resting, she was sleepless in Seattle. 🙂  See her REVIEW… 

I made only thirteen entries for this theme, included the cruise trip, food, fun activity/festival, a small book review, and deer/swans/dogs, stared from Alaska to Spain ,Portland, and ended in Texas. The most popular one was the 7 am to 8 am and 8 am to 9 am.    

Hi Jude, Thank you for your encouragement and sending me the reminder, “Are you going to…?” Thank you, Patrick for bringing Maggie to the 1 day 1 world, I am going to miss her… 

Happy Tuesday!