Jo’s Monday Walk: the Alcázar Gardens

Alcazar G-1

If heaven really does exist, then let’s hope it looks a little bit like the inside of Seville’s Alcázar.

Lonely Planet

The Alcázar Gardens are remarkably beautiful, where you can appreciate the tiled pavilions, Islamic architecture, and water fountains, as well as beautiful plants.

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 The pavilion in Alcázar helps maintain the coolness in the summer heat, a seemingly haven of private spaces under majestic trees.

Alcazar G-3

Alcazar pav

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Water fountains and channels are placed in a perfect straight line in the middle of the garden walkway and through the pavilion.

alcazar garden-5

Some of the most beautiful tiles can be found here.

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Take a walk with Jo in FORTALEZA DE SAGRES and enjoy the gorgeous beach views! Join the Jo’s Monday Walk 🙂

Happy week!